
Idle Farming Business

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External information on Idle Farming Business

Get your hands on the idle clicker game called Idle Farming Business. Click many times on a land tile to collect coins and use them to unlock new land tiles.

Have you ever wanted to become a farmer, go back to your hometown to raise fish and grow vegetables but are afraid of being tired or afraid of not having enough capital? With this game, you can fulfill your farming dream without spending any money. Click on a tile to unlock it. Then, click continuously on that land box to collect money. After you earn enough coins, you can unlock more plots and continue to earn more income from them. The values of the plots are different. Therefore, you can earn more money with larger plots of land. You can use your coins to upgrade your farm products in the upgrade section. You can complete special achievements in the achievements section to get extra income. Finally, have you rolled up your sleeves to become an online farmer?

Become the Idle Farming Business game's farmer

Hundreds of achievements

You can see the achievements table in the bottom right corner. You can unlock more than 100 special achievements. Those achievements include rainy season, veteran farmer, expert agriculturalist, summer season, dabbler farm hand, hotshot farm hand, and more. You can get some significant coins if you complete an achievement. Some achievements require completing many times to receive them.

Upgrade shop

You can improve your farm products in the upgrade shop. Agricultural products can be mentioned such as rice, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and so on. The following products will bring more value and profit to you than the previous products. Besides, you also have seasons like the rainy season, the dry season, and two combined seasons.